Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 7.72 miles Time: 00:53:00 Max Speed: 26.90 mph
Avg Speed: 8.74 mph Temp: Min: 27
Avg: 28
Max: 30
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: (ATB)Hill & Towpath Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 100 W Calories Burned: 350 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Off: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Sunny sunset; Non-factor breeze;
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, December 12, 2009  Next Blog >>
 Ending my AARP-DSP volunteer effort

Influencing driving behaviors has been an interest of mine.

Instructing 124 participants this year in the AARP-Driver Safety Program was well worthwhile for me and most class participants (based on Course Evaluation feedback). The course material was thorough and well presented in the manual and video. The 5 classes I conducted had participants ranging in age and experience from 16 year old drivers on permit, to a 93 year old fellow who started driving in 1929! My largest class had 32 participants. I taught the class to School Teachers, Students, Doctors and other Health Practitioners, Lawyers, Insurance representatives, Realtors & other Sales reps., as well as various other working professionals in addition to Retired people from all walks of life. Class participation was exceptional!

The benefit of class participation enhances the course material, this is what makes the classroom setting superior to any on-line instruction.

From my background, the earliest years as a pretentious preteen, using my parents automobile while they slept. Carrying over to an era of troubles in my early twenties, amassing speeding tickets and increasingly severe fines. Through the present, today a conservative, practiced, safety conscious professional operator of various vehicle types. My on road experience as a School Bus driver, Truck driver, and Cyclist allowed a positive perspective on safety and dangers driving in the day to day changing environment. I have felt a need to share experience and knowledge as part of a life process.
The AARP program was a good outlet for that need!

I step away from the program with a profound sense of accomplishment and a great feeling of positive contribution for this volunteer effort

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