Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 7.60 miles Time: 00:46:00 Max Speed: 25.70 mph
Avg Speed: 9.92 mph Temp: Min: 25
Avg: 26
Max: 27
Category: training: general - solo
Route: around the "block" Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 400 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Cold and snowing; Southerly winds @ 10mph;
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, December 26, 2008  Next Blog >>
I have an affinity with horses. I see many of the creatures out in paddocks on my bike rides. They look at me when I call out to them as I pass by.

I like them but not in the way I imagine that women do. I've noticed in this neck of the woods, that horses are kept by many people, mostly cared for by women. Several work associates have a devotion to these creatures. The people I work with that keep horses, and run boarding businesses for horses, are all women. Some of my family members (all female) have owned horses. Makes me think keeping horses is a feminine activity. Yeah that's it, Men probably own horses strictly for their utilitarian capabilities or for racing.

I imagine that women are attracted to horses because they are grand and gentle creatures that can be easily controlled. Horses it seems to me are like big dogs that can be ridden. Women seem to really like riding horses.

When I was a child I rode upon a horse once or twice. It seemed wrong or at least not fun for the horse in particular. Today, I would never subject any creature to the task of carrying me along any distance. Being somewhat empathetic, and feeling excessively heavy, I'm sensitive about subjecting myself upon a poor creature with no choice in the matter. To burden another creature by carrying me somewhere for purposes of my exclusive recreation or any other reason, just seems wrong.

Back in the "Bonanza Days", Dan Blocker must have ruined more than a few of the gentle species. In the days of the "real old west", before the invention of the Bicycle, and motorized personal transport, there was the wheel. Wheels, attached to a cart via an axle(s), then towed by a horse, oxen, or person, would seem to be a much more humane endeavor than to ride on top of those gentle creatures.

Perhaps there should be some sort of weight restriction law/regulation to protect horses or other "riding creatures" from abuse. There are vehicles/devices that can do the task of personal transportation or recreation, better than riding atop a horse. And horse back riding for fun and "exercise" seems like abuse to me. Maybe it's not abuse if only women are allowed to ride them as long as the gal keeps her weight under a couple of hundred pounds.

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