Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 10.50 miles Time: 01:05:00 Max Speed: 26.50 mph
Avg Speed: 9.69 mph Temp: Avg: 33
Category: general: errand - solo
Route: Colby St. dog leg loop Weight: 237 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 125 W Calories Burned: 450 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Overcast; Southerly winds 5-10mph;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, December 31, 2009  Next Ride >>
 -another year of bicycling
  • 396 bike rides (181 of which were round trip work commutes)
  • 6,339.90 total miles
  • 596:57:28 hours cycling
  • 1st in NYS commuter miles (3356) recorded on Bikejournal
  • 10th in overall mileage for NYS Bikejournalers

    It's been another good year of biking for me! With 3300+ commuter miles and nearly 3000 recreational/fitness miles, chalk up this year as a qualified success.

    2010 may be the year I am forced to make some sort of change to correct the knee situation!

    Riding this year has not been without periods of relatively severe physical challenge for me. June was a wasted month with a painful, swollen, moderately severe dislocation of my Left Knee, after some cartilage shifted when I rolled out of bed one morning (I'm serious!). Additionally, since the beginning of December I have been dealing with a very pronounced misalignment of my Right knee. Every 90 degree flex of the knee brings a thudding, jarring, banging sensation of bone on bone. I have been mostly pain free, but the condition seems to be worsening. The right knee condition developed after a period of hard pedaling. (The outcome of standing on the pedals while climbing hills and attempting to climb stairs without "half-stepping" over the course of a week.)

    I don't like the thought of needing surgery or even of having to visit a Doctor or Therapist! Those avenues will be a last resort.

    Since my earliest teen years I have been a "bike Commuter" on and off. In those early years I commuted by bike mostly out of need. During periods of "suspension of my driving privilege" in my twenties, my love for cycling was enhanced by necessity. As my method of motor vehicle operation improved necessity became a non-issue. Always I loved my bikes and meant to ride more. There were the plans to ride across the continent and other fantasies. I say fantasy because there was always something else taking precedent in my life. I regret that for decades a basic health concept escaped my conscious understanding. I was too wrapped up in my careers. I was too busy and time slipped by with only an occasional bike ride.

    I came to embrace bus driving as a new Career in 1999. Forced actually by these failing knees even back then, I had to make a change! Finally selling my snack food business in 2002, started me back on the bike path! When I stopped needing every nickle I could scrape together to pay bills, I started having more time to devote to exercise. In February 2003 I began to commute to and from work by bike occasionally. I had already lost the ability to walk as a form of exercise. So bicycling was an attempt to redefine myself as health conscious.

    For many of us, the trend toward recreational and commuter bicycling has been a mass revelation or quickening of sort. We have Bikejournal as a continuing source of inspiration too! Many in our society seem to have arrived simultaneously to the same conclusion: Bicycling is a near perfect mode of transportation and cardio-vascular exercise. As the range and ranks of cycling enthusiasts grow daily, it's clear that individuals with the best grasp of the benefits, commute on bike. Take a spin today!

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