Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 5.80 miles Time: 00:31:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 11.23 mph Temp: Avg: 42
Category: training: general - solo
Route: (ATB) Std Weight: 242 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: Cycle Time Century
Weather Conditions: overcast, misty, Westerly breeze;
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, December 31, 2011  Next Blog >>
 Last ride this year
All in all it was a wonderful year of biking. I did not reach my initial projected goals, or later "adjusted mileage goal", but I had some great times and great rides!

Initially, I fully expected to achieve a 6000+ mile year -in spite of the 2 knee replacements. But I failed to take into consideration the versatility newly reacquired. As an outcome of having strong new knees, I did things like walking and yard work -beyond what I've been able to accomplish recent years past. So it is, I've only biked 4,433.76 miles.

About the end of July I realized the initial goal was going to be unattainable. Reasoning that in part, not achieving the goal meant that the new capabilities were diverting me from biking opportunities. But even more a factor was the weather and the distinct lack of biking opportunity January February, March, and October. All in all I am satisfied with my achievement as it stands.

About half my mileage (2232 miles -almost exactly half) can be attributed to 125 work commutes. Additionally, I was blessed with meeting a new ride partner (Jerry V.), together we rode about 1500 miles or so together. I'm doing less organized riding than in recent years but I still have some favorites: The GFLBT in June, The Highlander, The RARE ride, The Ten Parks Tour -though the 10 Parks ride and the GFLBT have pretty much left me in the dust.

I've had my fill of The kinds of rides where so many riders in the group have a goal of "something to prove" or "making a statement of prowess to exhibit superiority" -often at the sake of dropping other riders. Rides like those are something I intend to avoid in the coming years.

Putting it all in perspective, the realization of a diminishing interest in competitiveness may minimize my organized ride participation in the future.

For the year:
  • 4,433.76 total miles
  • 396:59:30 hours on bike
  • 47.00 max top speed
  • 12.32 average mph
  • temperature range: Min. -7, Max. +103, degrees -encountered while biking through the year.

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