Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 15.76 miles Time: 01:07:45 Max Speed: 23.50 mph
Avg Speed: 13.96 mph Temp: Min: 65
Max: 75
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 750 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Overcast and low winds inbound, turned to drenching rain and cooler temps on the ride back;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, May 28, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Broke Seat Clamp Bolt
~the purest short round trip commute today;
Total necessity was involved here. First and foremost of necessity, was the deluge of rain on the way home. It was a total drenching. A road ponding, steady deluge. At least I wasn't passed by a Waste Management truck this go-round.

The second reason for such a short ride home was an appointment to keep. My "new" automotive mechanic was awaiting payment for a "ball joint replacement and oil change job". The total bill was $845, nice math rounding off the bill with $38.40 in State and local tax.

That's about it for my automotive repair budget this year. Brake jobs on the Volvo and Explorer, now upper and lower ball joint replacements for the Trail Blazer. I'm a bit over budget with bathroom remodeling plans in the works. Living frugally is not exactly easy with 3 motor vehicles and six bicycles. Not even elaborating on a house overdue for some major remodeling, soon!

Well, the bikes don't cost a bundle for maintenance or repair. Today for instance, on the way in for the afternoon bus run.

I noticed a cyclist(my Rabbit) about a half mile ahead of me on Clarkson-Parma Town Line. Spinning Northward, no wind, slightly declining elevation, I accelerated and was cruising 20-22mph. Hoping not to be noticed by the rider ahead, I stealthily pound the pedals, trying to stay right of his line of vision in case he uses a mirror.

Of late, my bike seat has been squeaking a bit when I pedal vigorously. On a couple of occasions I've been thinking that I need to spray the seat rail and rivets with silicone or something.

Meanwhile I'm thinking as I close on this Rabbit he is going to detect my presence because of my squeaking seat. As I climb out of a ravine and crest the roadway just South of Burritt I see I am within a quarter mile or so now. Pouring it on, remembering not to use it all up catching him, but to save a bit to maintain my pace. I steady my cadence. Squeak, Squeak, Squeak, I catch my prey and pass with a nonchalant "Howdy"! The middle aged guy with a Salt and Pepper (mostly salt) Goatee says "Hi" back at me. I press-on and don't look back.

Making the turn onto Roosevelt Highway/West Avenue my time is about 20 minutes from ride start. I slow a bit but still maintain a good pace into town. I notice my time is about 24 minutes for the past 7 miles as I near the Quest School, that's record setting potential(my record into Hilton from home is 26:45)!

Climbing toward the school I heard a slight "ping" like a spoke makes when it breaks. I look down and check my back wheel for run-out as I spin along. Everything seems O.K. until "SNAP"!! With a wobble, the seat gives way and pivots backward. Standing on the pedals, I coast, trying to comprehend what just happened. I hear metallic pings as parts/seat clamp components fall away and hit the pavement. Braking to a stop, I observe the seat is no longer clamped to the seat post. Retrieving the clamp components from the roadway, It seems the "seat-clamp-bolt" broke.

The biker I passed 1.5 miles back catches up and offers sympathy. We introduce ourselves, discovering "Steve" lives on Peck Road across from one of my elementary school bus riders. He rides along with me as I stand on the pedals, haltingly gliding to Heinz Street where I turn to go to the transportation garage.

At the garage I hoped to find a metric bolt to fix my situation. Marty the head mechanic was my hero today! He went down to the NAPA auto parts store on his break and bought a replacement bolt while I did my afternoon High School bus run. The seventy Five cent bolt seems to work perfectly! Now that's a low cost repair!

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