Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 34.08 miles Time: 03:20:00 Max Speed: 37.40 mph
Avg Speed: 10.22 mph Temp: Min: 67
Max: 70
Category: general: event - group
Route: Fire Tower Ride Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 2,000 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Southern Tier Bicycle Club
Weather Conditions: Earlier overcast changed to partly sunny by late afternoon; Northerly winds U/5mph;
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<< Prev Ride  Friday, June 12, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Heading out to GFLBT
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Because of my knee condition, I'm useless to try walking or standing for any length of time. This has caused me to modify my weekend plans.

I'm very disappointed that I will not spend the weekend in Hidden Valley. I will be there this afternoon and intend to attempt the Fire Tower Ride with the '05 Globe. Perhaps I will come back on Sunday and do the Kueka Lake Ride too.

Walking has been such a painful and unpredictable effort all week long, with the left knee dislocating at the slightest mis-step at times. I need to have at least marginal walking ability. By yesterday evening that marginal ability was pretty well shot. So, I'm heading off to Hidden Valley in a little while, to lend moral support and to quench my need for comraderie...


The 2009 Great Finger Lakes Bike Tour looked to be "greater" than ever this year!

This is the third consecutive year I've participated in the "Great Finger Lakes Bike Tour". My participation is limited by my knee situation this year. The "walking situation", further complicates my ability to do normal "stand-up" things. Because I can't walk very well, I was unable assist setting-up tables and chairs, which I've done in the past. I'm not looking for sympathy here, I don't like looking crippled.

This years event must be considered truly "greater" than ever! Unofficially I heard 300 people were participating this year. it was great to see many of the now familiar faces, most of which I met for the first time at the BJRU07: www.bikejournal.com/thread.asp?ThreadID={6AD45D47-FDB8-4E03-A38B-6ADF226AC9C9}

I arrived at camp around 2:30. There was Maggie sweeping out one of the cabins.

At 3:30 we left to do a little "warm-up" ride. We had no maps but I'm a "dead reckoner". I thought I knew a short cut out and around Hidden Valley. Turns out there is no "Asphalt paved" short cut. So our little warm-up ride was to the Fire Tower and back.

We left out for our "circuit" around 3:30, turned out to be 17.8 miles by the time we got back. It was, to coin a phrase, a "take time to smell the flowers" ride.

Maggie's got a nicely equipped steel framed "Terry" bike this year. She has some extensive ride plans for the coming year and next. She has become one of the truly inspirational people I've befriended since becoming a "Bikejournaler".

After arriving back from my ride with Maggie I registered and signed-in. There was quite the throng heading out for the "Fire Tower" ride at 5:30PM. I joined the throng for another go-round. Met-up briefly with sisters Karen and Cathy, Canadian friends I met at last years GFLBT. After the ride Karen gave me a beer and we "saluted" the ride.

By 8:00PM after a quick shower, there was the great "post ride Supper". Pulled Pork, Mac'n Cheese, Hot Apple Sauce/Crisp, a great salad with "Premium Greens", Strawberries, and cooked Rhubarb. Waiting in line I sampled some cookies/ Macaroons!

I'll be back for Sunday's Kueka Lake ride...

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