Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 10.70 miles Time: 01:11:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Avg: 74
Category: general: errand - solo
Route: east to Spencerport Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 750 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: After the storm, much cooler; light SW winds 5-10mph; very pleasant!
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<< Prev Entry  Thursday, June 25, 2009  Next Entry >>
 After the Storm -damage assessment
It rained hard at 3PM today. I had a good nap during the downpour. Afterward I took a ride to do an errand (post Office). On my bike ride I passed a matronly woman walking a Scottish Terrier, she volunteered she was "assessing the storm damage"...

Today was the last day of the school year for Quest and Village elementary schools.

The good-byes were very enthusiastic and demonstrative as usual. Many rituals have evolved, some of which have become favorites of mine. I love the way the teachers and staff all come out to line the sidewalk as the buses caravan by on the last ride out of the bus loop. The children cheer and wave. Bus drivers toot their horn and broadcast the interior noises via the exterior P.A. loudspeakers. My Kids demanded another go round, but I did not comply with their requests. Let the school year go!

Occasionally known as the "Singing Bus Driver", I broadcast an impromptu, off-the-cuff farewell improvisation, as my bus load of fanatics waved and screamed "good-bye" to the assemblage. We rolled past teachers, staff and building for the last time until September...
I did not commute to school by bike today -too much to bring home. Also, this degenerative knee continues to interfere with my biking in a more escalated manner. The latest when cycling is a considerable pain on the inner side of the knee, with stiffness from swelling above the Quadriceps tendon. The pain and swelling is a new situation which developed suddenly just like the initial dislocation. The pain seems to be originating from the area of the Medial Collateral Ligament. For years I've had pain from that area of my right knee too. It's another chapter in the continuing saga of "Evolving Deconstruction", a.k.a.: AGING!

Up until yesterday most of my pain and weakness came when walking. Now the act of pedaling is causing discomfort bordering on agony. Almost simultaneously and miraculously, the pain of walking and standing has diminished greatly. I will give this situation another week. If there is no marked improvement, then it will be time to seek intervention.

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