Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 9.10 miles Time: 00:55:00 Max Speed: 28.90 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Avg: 75
Category: general: errand - group
Route: on the Canal Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 600 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Sunny, light Westerly breeze;
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, June 26, 2009  Next Blog >>
 ...making progress
I finished removing tree and vine debris from the side lot today. Work I had started on a couple weeks back is finally finished. Grass needs cutting but I have decided to put it off until Saturday evening, after tomorrows ride. Deer are causing browse damage to some shrubs and flowers on the side lot. I'm going to try some repellant...

Swelling and pain in the left knee is diminishing, but not to the degree where tomorrows ride will be anything but "token" for me. I'll be happy to make it to Bob and Kathy's home on Edgemere and get back at a leisurely pace. And unfortunately I do not want to "chance" riding the Cruzbike, fearing "over-stressing the knee". I do not want a setback at this point in my rehab.

My over-all cycling capability seems greatly diminished at this point. Since Thursday I have had more discomfort biking. There is pronounced Pain and swelling. And much less power, in the left knee. On todays ride the knee felt measurably improved. I can see a balance between walking and cycling which indicates to me that the condition is improving!

Something to be more hopeful about...
It seems curious to be leading with my right leg when climbing stairs, or powering up inclines "right leg dominant". The situation had been so unbalanced the other way for many years. I've been noticeably "Left knee dominant" for at least a decade, probably longer. Right side muscular atrophy, particularly right buttock has been a measurable condition. I have spent the last 5 years trying to re-balance myself from the condition which had evolved from these broken down knees. Perhaps I am now progressing toward a more balanced posture.

Ginny and me are well pleased with the acquisition of our Total "S"Trainer incline gym. This device is remarkable. It has so many ways to adapt any type of work-out. Using resistance bands(for Pilates) or using ones own body weight on the inclined body board through a rope and pulley system, It is possible to get a complete work out with this device. We're going to make a gym out of one of our bed rooms. Right now it's taking up a lot of space in the living room...

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