Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 36.00 miles Time: 03:00:00 Max Speed: 24.60 mph
Avg Speed: 12.00 mph Temp: Avg: 66
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: around Hamlin Beach State Park Weight: 231 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 150 W Calories Burned: 1,600 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: 'BentRider Recumbent Club
Weather Conditions: overcast mixed w/light rain;
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<< Prev Ride  Saturday, June 26, 2010  Next Ride >>
 Where RARE Rally?
I had hoped to participate in this year's R2K rally. Turned out I couldn't find anyone on a recumbent bike (except me).

From Spencerport to the Hamlin Beach State Park I expected to cross paths with some R2K riders. I left my house at 3PM and headed North. I missed the remote start at Charlote. Thought I would intercept some "take time to smell the Flowers" rider types heading back to camp. No such rider type out there at 3:40PM, around the time I reached North Hamlin Road.

I made good time(15mph) heading North. The intersection of Parma-Hamlin Town line Road and North Hamlin Road is 10 miles from my house. Heading West at that point, a Westerly breeze slowed my pace a bit. I saw nobody else biking until I crossed path with a teenager who shouted out "COOL BIKE". That was out by Nuts Corners, corner of North Hamlin and East Fork Lake Roads. At that point I turned North to Moscow Road. Then West to the Southern entrance of the Park (another 3 miles or so). I stopped for about 10 minutes near the Parkway overpass making some dérailleur adjustments before turning for home.

Anyway, there wasn't anyone around riding a bike. No cars with bike racks entering the park or anywhere to be seen.

Probably by 4:30, all the Recumbent biker/campers were already back at camp. With another 18 miles to get home, there was no point investigating further. So I headed back.

(addendum 07.25.10) ....so the Rare Rally web link listed the Rally ride date as Saturday June 27th; O.K. except that Saturday was the 26th;

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