Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 16.30 miles Time: 01:24:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 11.64 mph Temp: Min: 60
Avg: 62
Max: 65
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 900 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: overcast and unfavorable winds inbound; Steady light rain homebound; Mostly Easterly winds up to 10mph;
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<< Prev Ride  Monday, June 8, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Full Blown Knee Sprain
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What is this condition from which I suffer? Perhaps it is "ilio tibial band syndrome" agravated by the varus deformity of the left knee.

I got out of bed Saturday morning and twisted my left knee. The kind of sprain that comes hours or days after over-exertion, as in my Physical Performance Re-certification on Thursday, and some Recumbent hill climbing on Friday. Perhaps even the RBC ride a week ago Sunday, as well as my day to day weight comes to bear on the situation and condition my knees are in at this moment.

Of course my 235 pound bulk is the major factor in the degenerative condition of these knees. I have known this to be the chief issue with the knees since 1999! The pain today is moderate after 4 Ibuprofen.

The discomfort is manageable standing or sitting, the feeling is of pressure from the swelling. Walking is another situation altogether. Imagine a hulking, stocky, gray haired individual, haltingly dragging their left leg, in a manner of walking which appears as if the serious cripple should be chair bound or at least using a Cane -and that's how I imagine I look. Walking feels a bit like dragging a 10 pound sack of potatoes tied to my left knee. There is the added sensation of feeling as if the knee is packed with gravel and jello, lots of clicking and popping going on!.

As far as biking, there seemingly is only the slightest problem accomplishing the task. climbing is a bit more challanging than usual. I made 2 rides over the weekend of 19.1 and 18.5 miles respectively. I am intending to complete 4 afternoon work commutes this week. I hold out hope for improved functioning as the week plays out. Friday is the start of the much anticipated GFLBT, which I do not want to miss!

I just came in from a little bit of tree trimming and yard work. Although walking remains a tentative procedure, standing and working the upper body is a reasonable endeavor. Suffice to say I am definitely sub-Par with regard to both knees at this moment. The condition of my Left knee exacerbates and stresses the right knee condition.

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