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 Ride Stats
Distance: 50.04 miles Time: 04:25:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 11.33 mph Temp: Min: 65
Avg: 70
Max: 74
Category: general: leisure - group
Route: on the Canal Weight: 234 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 2,650 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Blue sky with clouds and sunshine changing over to heavy overcast. Winds light, SW changing to NE at 12PM;

Distance: 12.88 miles Time: 01:17:00 Max Speed: 30.10 mph
Avg Speed: 10.04 mph Temp: Min: 68
Avg: 70
Max: 72
Category: general: testing - solo
Route: (ATB) Std Weight: 234 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 800 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Clear skies, light winds, cooling temps;
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<< Prev Blog  Wednesday, July 1, 2009  Next Blog >>
 a great ride to start July
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A ride with BruceW is a great way to start the month out!

It seemed like a good day for biking on the towpath, judging from the variety of people doing it. For the most part, the path was clean and smooth.

The forecast was for rain to become an issue by noon. It stayed rain free along the canal for the duration of the ride. Arriving home at 1:30pm I could see it had rained recently. I guess I dodged the rain clouds!

I started out at 7:30 heading East to meet Bruce on the towpath. I expected the rendezvous would be at Longpond Road. We met at a point just West of Greece Junction Lock point, about 1/2 mile East of Henpeck Park. We headed West from there, stopping in Spencerport for a Breakfast at Slayton Place. Service there was a bit too slow. We were seated for more than 30 minutes before the food arrived. My Pecan Pancakes had as many Almonds as Pecans -very good just the same

The Westward extent of our Journey was Main Street, Brockport. Riding about 35 miles of the total trip on the towpath (30 of it with Bruce), the bikes were Muddied up a bit. Going through a puddled section of the towpath in Greece(3X), was the principle cause of the splatter on the bike. After 3 trips through that wet area, I decided to avoid a 4th pass through. Instead, taking Ridgeway Ave through that area, and then subsequent roads adjacent and parallel to the canal, avoiding most of the towpath on the ride home.

Actually, I left the towpath at Trolley Blvd. starting at Lee Road, completely avoiding the towpath on the return, until just before Adams Basin. I doubt it was any faster, and the bike was already a mess, but it was a little terrain variation and eliminated some redundancy..

Recapping the ride itinerary:
  • East to a point on the towpath where I met up with Bruce;
  • Westbound with Bruce to Brockport stopping in Spencerport;
  • heading back East bound to the overpass at Railroad tracks;
  • then back Westbound to Trolley Blvd;
  • taking roads West, adjacent and parallel to the towpath;
  • back onto the towpath at Adams Basin;
  • finally North on Washington Street/Hinkleyville Road to home;

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