Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 12.92 miles Time: 01:15:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Temp: Avg: 88
Category: general: testing - solo
Route: untitled Weight: 231 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 100 W Calories Burned: 450 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Hot, hot;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, July 15, 2010  Next Ride >>
 Cadenza at 2000 (miles) and Cruzbike update
Made a fairly energetic ride, stopping by to see Gary and Jim. It was a good time catching-up on the recent past.

Realizing the July mileage is not adding up to reach my goal. So be it!

Recent correspondence being cryptic and not having seen my friends, also noticing the Cadenza was close to reaching a milestone(2000 miles), all added incentive to take this ride.

->>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<-
Fun, fun, fun, sitting/sweating in the Sun; Putting together my Cruzbike.
Thanks to Josh's advice for gaining an understanding on this modification. At one point I was thinking I needed a different rear dérailleur because moving the chain to the smaller chain rings put a lot of slack in the chain. A while back, Josh had explained the dérailleur was o.k., but the chain needed to be shortened.

Todays modifications for converting the drive system to a triple crank involved shortening the chain from it's original length, and installing the front dérailleur.

Never having performed a chain shortening, it didn't seem like "Rocket Science". After all I have removed and replaced chains on other bikes. Remembering Josh's cursory observation, I adjusted the gearing to the large crank ring and the large cassette gear. Seeing that there was still plenty of travel on the rear dérailleur arm, by estimation it seemed a substantial number of links could be removed. Moving the chain to the small gears, the 24 tooth crank and the 11 tooth cassette, there was a lot of chain sagging. It looked like removing 16 links would take up the slack. Sixteen links were removed! Upon doing a shifting test, it was clear I could use all the gearing except 46x34t (large-large).

Then came the realization to install the front dérailleur I needed to break the chain to fish it through the dérailleur cage. Having just done a chain shortening, I could have/should have installed the front dérailleur at the time of the chain shortening procedure. Everything seemed to go together alright just a bit of duplicity of procedure.

With the front dérailleur in place, there is chain drag on the dérailleur cage in the smallest Crank ring, when using the 3rd,4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th gears on the cassette. So using the 24 tooth Crank will be most suitable in the lowest gears 1st and 2nd on the cassette. With the 46 tooth Crank, there is interference using the 34 tooth cassette. Using the 34 tooth Crank, all the cassette gears are workable! Next/Tomorrow I will install the shift cable...

After installing the shift lever and cabling, the front dérailleur was shifting well. By 3:30 It was ready for a test ride. Seemed to shift well in all combinations of crank and cassette gears, EXCEPT 46x11 and 46x34.

Shifting into high/high The rear dérailleur seems to be a little overstretched. Translation: I need to add a few links to the chain...

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