Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 12.85 miles Time: 01:05:00 Max Speed: 24.10 mph
Avg Speed: 11.86 mph Temp: Min: 73
Avg: 74
Max: 75
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: (ATB) Std Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 700 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Dahon 32lb-Cadenza Folding Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: a cloudy sunset, humid slight, Southerly breeze;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, July 23, 2009  Next Ride >>
 Expending effort
Along the way I was passed twice. There is something to say for being passed, spurring one on to greater effort.

Five or Six miles into my ride, pedaling East on Ridge road, coming up the rise toward Hinkleyville Road, lost in thought... Whir, Whir, WHIR, the sound of a noisy chain! Someone is coming up from behind, overtaking me. A cyclist on some old, rebuilt, Fluorescent PINK road bike, full panniers and towing a two-wheeled trailer with camping equipment no less! "Nice color", I quipped as he passed.

This 20 something Y/O guy was really hammering up the rise. Putting my water bottle back in it's holder, I quickened my cadence. Catching the Pink Tourer just past Hinkleyville, he was coasting as I passed him. "I never coast", I volunteered in passing. I hammered along for the next three miles, mindful of running out of steam.
Spurred on, staying ahead until I could make my turn South, up Union Street. I was glad he was going straight!

Even cycling along at 17-20mph, the Pink Rider was no more than 1000 feet behind. He probably would have caught me on the climb to the Ogden/Parma town line.

Later, Westbound on Canal Road: Whir, Whir, Whir again! An older guy who I've seen riding around lately passes. "Hi" he says as he passes me. Catching up, I compliment his innovative raised wooden handle bar extension. Introducing myself, I mention I've seen him riding around a lot, this Summer. Jim the landscaper is trying to ride more in "semi-retirement". We made the turn North on Trimmer Road. Jim peeled off at his driveway. I continued to Pinehill on my way home.

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