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 Ride Stats
Distance: 39.90 miles Time: 03:21:00 Max Speed: 30.40 mph
Avg Speed: 11.91 mph Category: general: touring - group Route: Lake Effect Rochester
Weight: 231 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 0 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: PERFECT light breeze Sunny and mild
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<< Prev Ride  Friday, July 30, 2010  Next Ride >>
 Lake Effect Rochester Ride
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A nice tour through Rochester and memory lane (the GOOD path).

First it was a stop at my Mother-In-Law's home, then on to Bruce's Apartment. From Bruce's place we headed toward the Lake, eventually West to Braddock Bay. Then turning back heading into the city.

After traveling to the lake via Culver Road to Hoffman and Wisner into Durand Eastman Park, we headed West along Lake Shore Blvd. to Rock Beach Road. Wending our way through the scenic residential neighborhood, eventually over the O'Rourke bridge and into Charlotte, stopping for lunch at the Pelican Restaurant. Continuing West through parts of Greece along Beach Avenue and Edgemere Drive, We made our turning back point at the Eastern shore or Braddock Bay. Along the way we quip-shared different memories of our experiences growing up and/or living and/or working in and around that area. Reaching the western shore of the Genesee, we headed South.

On the River-way trail we met up with another 'bent rider. There was an immediate familiarity beyond 'bent rider brotherhood. The guy on the Rans 'bent was Bill Gartland, retired from Gleason Works nearly a decade ago.

As an Apprentice and then graduate machinist, I worked in Bill's Department, That was Department 55. Clyde Wallace and then Jimmy Marr were the Foreman during my times in that milling department! In fact Department 55 was the last place I worked at Gleason Works, -as it was called 25 years ago...
Watch the route "Fly-by video"
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