Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 10.47 miles Time: 00:48:00 Max Speed: 25.00 mph
Avg Speed: 13.09 mph Temp: Avg: 80
Category: training: general - solo
Route: 10mi.T.T. Weight: 237 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Warm, Overcast, No wind;
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, August 21, 2010  Next Blog >>
 not enough biking !
a short afternoon workout, doing the 10mile TT Counterclockwise; Speed average was good(13MPH) on the 43 pound Cruzbike!

On the last half mile of the ride, a sound: fish-fish-fish-fish... back tire was losing air. Made it home. Checking the tire, I could see a spot where the leak stop compound had fizzled out. The tube had sealed itself! Managed to puncture the rear tire but no flat!

Having limited time and ambition to replace the tube and other bikes to ride, the bike is parked awaiting installation of a replacement tube. Here it is now three days later, the tire is still not flat. In fact the back wheel is firm enough to take the bike for a ride. My intention is to replace the tube before taking the bike on another ride -as soon as ambition replaces distraction.

There is something to be said about "cross training". For exercise I mostly bike. Occasionally I can not avoid yard work and some of it could be considered "cross training". Of course, I'm not "training" for anything except staying alive. For sure it would be better for achieving my overall goal by doing some "push-aways" from the kitchen table too!

This week has been light on the whole exercise for fitness concept with a distance average this week of 11.42 miles per day on bike. Actually the whole Summer has been too light on the exercise concept! For the most part cross training amounted to changing bikes from an upright to a recumbent... No LOL! When I spend a few days pedaling my uprights and then get on the 'bent, that 43 pound bike flies(13MPH)! There some added stress to the knees using the Cruzbike 'bent. The Cruzbike has a moving bottom bracket(MBB). The MBB adds stress to the knees during slow speed maneuvers. Effect on my knees is a factor on my overall amount of exercise, not just from biking. In fact most exercise except for biking is painful to my knees. Having been diagnosed eleven years ago as having the knees of an 85YO, biking has brought them back a few years closer to their chronological age. Weight loss remains a goal and would benefit the knees tremendously! Exercising on a bike is near ideal except it increases my appetite and neutralizes any potential for weight loss because the urge to "carb-up" overwhelms!!

In general, vacations and more specifically having a light work schedule have contributed to less bike exercising. This is due to so much of my cycling is normally work commuting. I should raise my exercise level to 90 minutes day minimum.

With 10 days to go, 142 miles to reach 400 miles for the month should be very do-able. As a challange I will try to make 450 miles, that's 192 miles in 10 days...

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