Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 37.34 miles Time: 03:21:00 Max Speed: 22.40 mph
Avg Speed: 11.15 mph Temp: Min: 58
Max: 68
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: (WORK): hybrid commute Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: partly sunny, NW winds gusting over 15mph at the lake;
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, August 26, 2010  Next Ride >>
 making up for lost miles
-a work commute with a bit of "touring" on the way home;

After the training refresher I Headed West stopping at Pettinaris Deli. At the store I had lunch and a nice chat with Pam Caswell, my Bus Driver Role Model for the past 20 years. Pam's the principle reason I became interested in being a Hilton School Bus driver! She exemplifies the right ideals!

Talking with Dominic at his store, we set up an upcoming date for a mini tour on bikes. Dom's been doing a lot of biking this year after acquiring a quality European Road bike. I forgot the brand of bike, not a Bianchi. Maybe Pinarello? Anyway it is Italian, with tubular/glue on tires. We've got some light touring scheduled soon.

After lunch (Fish Sandwich and Arizona 50/50 Tea), I biked the Hamlin portion of my School Bus route. Up at Roth's Cove I stopped to say hi to Charlene, she works for the district driving a delivery truck and substitute bus driver (Subs have the toughest driving job).

At Westphal and the Parkway I met a guy from Hollywood Florida. I forgot the guys name. He is circling counter clockwise around Lake Ontario. He started in Toronto. We chatted about the climate and the beauty around the lake. He mentioned he used to be a Lifeguard supervisor down in Florida He told me a couple of years ago he decided to join the ranks of the "post employed". At 52 years old he no longer needs to be employed with a government pension equal to 85% of his former salary -nice!

Made great speed on the Parkway with a nice 10-15mph tail wind...

Overall, winds were a limiting factor on my top speeds except on the Parkway heading East.
Here's the route:

  • 94 "C4 days"
  • commuter miles YTD: 2203 +/-
    Total work commutes through this ride:
  • 124 round trip work commutes YTD;

    230 consecutive cycling days;
    ... with 106 miles to reach this months goal!

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