Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 17.01 miles Time: 01:26:00 Max Speed: 23.30 mph
Avg Speed: 11.87 mph Temp: Min: 54
Avg: 70
Max: 72
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Hybrid Work Commute Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, Rain, Thunder and lightning, moving East;
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<< Prev Blog  Monday, September 13, 2010  Next Blog >>
 High Pressure Lake Effect
I should be a Neighborhood Weather Prognosticator. I have an understanding of weather systems and how they move in and around my neighborhood...
A rain front was heading East. I skirted the precipitation, but it was a bit nerve wracking...

Needing a bike ride daily, a work commute is my mainstay for biking. In the morning it rained fairly strong up on the Ridge, so I skipped biking for the morning commute. Arriving in Hilton by motor vehicle at 6:45AM, there was no rain evident! Having decided to put off my bike commute until the afternoon, I'd take my chances on the rain potential then...

After the morning Bus run, I spent some time tuning-up Jackie's bike. I finished the tune-up tasks about Noon. By 1:20 PM it was time to head back for the afternoon run... Leaving home, I could see there was rain off to the West. I needed to bike nearly 1 mile West on the Ridge to reach Clarkson-Parma Town line road.

I was heading right toward the weather system as it was heading toward me. If I could reach Town Line road without getting too wet, then turning North pedaling on Town Line, maybe I can beat the storm clouds. The idea was to beat the system getting to Hilton ahead of the rain. That was the thought process anyway...

So I made the turn North. The clouds to the West were showing rain and rumbling Thunder. Problem was the dark clouds were extending North as they moved Eastward. I was racing for the open sky to the North. Passing Parma Center Road, there was clear, blue sky to the North, just ahead! The rain held-off coming North due to Lake Effect winds. It was easy to see the high pressure lake effect on the storm clouds!

Turning East North East on the Roosevelt Highway I heard thunder and saw lightning East and South of my position. I made it into the Village without getting wet! And so it was, Hilton stayed High and Dry!

It rained plenty all South of Parma Center Road, nothing North. The Lake Effect winds kept the rain clouds South of Hilton, just like I figured(hoped)!

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