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 Ride Stats
Distance: 46.15 miles Time: 03:49:00 Max Speed: 38.10 mph
Avg Speed: 12.09 mph Temp: Min: 62
Max: 72
Category: general: leisure - group
Route: RBC#149 Mendon - Honeoye Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Dahon 32lb-Cadenza Folding Club: Southern Tier Bicycle Club
Weather Conditions: mainly overcast, cool light breezes;
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<< Prev Entry  Saturday, September 24, 2011  Next Entry >>
 a Mendon-Honeoye ride
This was a great ride with 2500' of climb -not too strenuous. I could have done this ride closer to 13mph for sure. That speed would have left me in Limbo -far behind the Racers and substantially ahead of Jerry, my ride partner. Due the climbing capabilities of an upright -vs- a recumbent, the Dahon left me at a slight advantage on the hills.

Since I am a "smell the flowers" type of biker, quoting a fellow on BJ: "He has a relaxed, Stop and smell the roses pace which helps others reexplore the enjoyable side of cycling.", I chose to stick close with Jerry V., my ride partner, and the only biker on a recumbent. It was great to ride leisurely chatting along the way.

Also a heartfelt Thank you! to Hndlebar -for the Spring 2008 description of my riding style! I like that quote more and more every year and continue to endeavor to live up to that standard...

For me, riding along at a modest pace is what a Club ride should be...
Anyhow, the ride was a bit cool which warded off overheating with little wind to bog down on. It was a perfect early Fall ride!

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