Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 11.60 miles Time: 01:00:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Category: general: touring - solo Route: 2nd journey in Ludwigsburg
Weight: 234 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 0 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: other  700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions:

Distance: 20.78 miles Time: 02:00:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 0.00 mph Category: general: touring - group Route: biking to Stuttgart
Weight: 234 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 0 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: other  700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Warm and Sunny
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, September 30, 2011  Next Blog >>
 Settling in at Ludwigsburg
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09.29.11 :
Mid-morning arrival;
Anke picked Ginny and me up from the Stuttgart Airport and transported us to Ludwigsburg.
Upon arriving in Ludwigsburg, Anke guided us through the process of getting situated at
the NH hotel and the bike rental station. Bike rental cost was 25 Euros for the week.
My first bike was an internal 8-speed unit with coaster brake as well as front and rear
caliper brakes. The triple braking and or perhaps the lack of freewheeling, proved
to be cumbersome.

After getting situated in our hotel at 12:30PM, I accompanied Ginny to
Gleason Pfauter. Later, I solo toured around the hotel and Gleason neighborhood.
I stopped for lunch at the Wienerwald -a place for Chicken food. There I had a great
salad with lettuce and potato and Pumpkin seed oil and sliced breaded chicken breast
-delicious! Also on the way back to the hotel I stopped at an Aldi's -just a half block
from our hotel. In the early evening, Anke, Fernando, Ginny and I went to a Mexican style
restaurant. There we enjoyed German style Mexican food and local draft beer.

09.30.11 :
After trading in the initial bike I chose to use a freewheel hybrid bike with an 8 speed cassette set-up. Getting lost in Ludwigsburg was easy. On my solo 2.5 hour excursion around the NW region of Ludwigsburg, I was able to find some familiar landmarks and re-orientate myself back to the Gleason-Pfauter and NH Hotel area. At one point on the ride I contemplated stopping in to a local Polizei station to get directions but my self-confidence, and reckoning ability persevered and after a period of confusion and wandering I made it back.

Later Fernando came by and we biked to Stuttgart along the Neckar River. We returned to Ludwigsburg after dark using the Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg subway/train. On the train ride back to Ludwigsburg, there was some young people(20ish) who shared some banter and Jim Beam Whiskey (a double) on the ride back.

While on the Friday afternoon tour with Fernando, we stopped at several unique areas within Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart. Among the stand out spots in Ludwigsburg was a huge public square "Marketplatz", anchored by two huge Renascence/Gothic period style churches. On the West side of the square was a huge Evangelistic Church "Evangelische Stadtkirche". Anchoring the East side of the public square directly opposite the "Evangelische Stadtkirche" was a Catholic church "Kath.DreieintGkeits-Kirche" with an equally large though less ornate exterior.

Even more grand just a block East, is the Park/Palace complex. South beginning from "Konigs Alle", an ancient Roman road leads ultimately to "Kings Street" many miles further South in Stuttgart. The Roman roadway became the highway that is Route 27. The highway follows a straight direct path linking the Ludwigsburg Palace region with Kings Street in Stuttgart.

Northward is the Kings Palace complex and grounds which lead further North and West to the region known as the Favorite Park. The Favorite Park was a Game/Hunting Park used by Wurtemburg Royalty in the old days. Now the whole complex is a public park and historical preserve open to pedestrians and cyclists. Tours are given at the Grand Palace and the "Hunting Lodge and Summer Residence Favorite". All that and an additional spot in Ludwigsburg, just a couple of Kilometers diagonally North-West to an area known as the "Monrepos Lakeside Palace" all was once the private domain and living space for rulers of the Baden-Wurtemburg region.

On the bike excursion/tour with Fernando, we skirted the palace region on our way to the Neckar on are journey to Stuttgart. Ultimately we finished our bike ride on Kings Street in Stuttgart. The connection back to Ludwigsburg via the Highway, once an ancient Roman Road, gives the region a perspective of historical significance! After spending the early evening in Stuttgart, Fernando and I boarded a train with our bikes and journeyed back to Ludwigsburg. The train ride was punctuated with the pleasant experience of the young guys toting the bottle of Jim Beam mentioned earlier in this write-up...
www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/53756444 -Friday afternoon ride;
www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/53807696 -ride to Stuttgart;
All this I experienced while my Wife was working her butt off every day!

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