Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 77.30 miles Time: 05:56:00 Max Speed: 30.00 mph
Avg Speed: 13.03 mph Category: general: touring - group Route: a ride out Rte. 18
Weight: 232 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 0 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Strong Westerly gusts; partly cloudy;
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<< Prev Ride  Sunday, September 5, 2010  Next Ride >>
 A breezy ride West on Rte18
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Had a great ride with Dominic Pettinari.
We went West on Rte. 18, with a goal of getting to Browns Berry Patch. We had some delicious Peach pie while there and then continued West another 8 miles or so before turning back. At the turning point I had about 41 miles into the ride...

The ride West had some fairly consistent WSW headwinds. Passing open fields really forced the pedaling effort due to a lack of windbreaks. At several points along the way unchecked wind gusts faltered my stability.

Another illustrated aspect of the headwinds can be understood by noticing average speed. The first 41 miles, mainly westbound, average speed was 12.4 mph, taking about 3 hours and 20 minutes. On the eastbound return, the tailwind assist on the 30 miles back to Dominic's house averaged 15.7mph. Then adding another 6 mile 1 percent climb back to Ridge Road and my house, brings the total 77.3 miles to a 13mph average -not too bad! This was my longest ride so far this year. Finally a decent ride to post on the 100 kilometer thread in BJ's forums, it's been a long dry spell!

Dominic the store owner has been a friend for years. In fact he was one of my most important Hilton customers back when I sold Bachman Snacks. As a conscientious, community minded business man he has been a pillar of support within the community. He was one of the individuals who wrote a character reference when I first applied to be a Hilton school bus driver. Pam Caswell, his main employee was one of the most influential people for me in consideration of becoming a school bus driver. I met Pam through Pettinari's Deli, Dominic's store.

Dominic the cyclist is another story. After I sold out of the snack food business in 2002 I started commuting to the Bus garage by bike once in a while. Occasionally I stopped by the store on my way home to see my old friends. Dominic was a fit soccer club player-coach. The strenuous nature of playing a sport like Soccer takes a toll as one ages. Dominic saw cycling as a potential activity to maintain physical conditioning while continuing to enjoy an outdoor activity. We talked about biking for the past couple of years but Dominic is a busy guy. Finally this past Spring Dominic picked up a nice Road bike and started to ride. We finally had our first ride together and he is a rocket!

240 consecutive cycling days;
Wind gusts slowed westbound progress on Rte. 18

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