Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 18.72 miles Time: 01:05:12 Max Speed: 26.15 mph
Avg Speed: 17.23 mph Temp: Min: 62
Max: 75
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: (ATB) Std Weight: 241 Altitude Gain: 406 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike:  Juiced CCX Road Club: team bikejournal
Weather Conditions: high clouds and a chilly NNW wind; cooler at the lake;
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<< Prev Blog  Sunday, May 26, 2019  Next Blog >>
 Battery Capacity on the CCX
The battery capacity on the CCX is remarkable. The 52-volt 19 Ah, somewhat ungainly 13# battery, allows for greater rider versatility for negotiating speed and distance. There is plenty of capacity for hills encountered along a typical commute.

On this 18.72 mile ride, the 58# CCX enabled my 239# physique to negotiate the ride at 17.2 mph in "ECO" mode, -with little drop in battery voltage. The readout on the display showed 55.2 volts remaining, -a use of 2.6 volts.

Useful battery capacity boils down to an equation involving Rider effort: (Rider-vs-Battery output).
Any size "Ah capacity" of a battery will power an ebike adequately until it runs low. Ultimately, a 13 Ah battery will run out of useful energy before a 19 Ah, 52-volt monster -like on the CCX. So battery size, along with rider effort, are significant considerations for powering an ebike on a long ride.

Also relating to energy use, is steepness/grade along a route, as well as the distance. Other factors on battery usage are wind and rider weight, as well as battery voltage. Another significant factor to consider is system voltage. A higher voltage system can supply more power to the motor. Finally, if pedaling is not a desired activity for negotiating up a hill, -then I guess one could try walking.

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