Ride Stats |
Time: 02:12:23
Swamp Rabbit Trail
25.46 miles
Avg Speed:
11.54 mph
Max Speed:
18.70 mph
Altitude Gain:
700 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Clear skies with temps from 60 to 52 degrees, humidity from 33 to 46%, and wind from 1 to 3 mph |
I drove to the tennis courts to try Ken’s Sunday Ride today. I rode the Trek and 4 of us left the zoo - Ken, Mark, Steve S, and me. The trail was packed in the parks and it was tough riding. Once we made it to Linky Stone Park we met Don H and Lynda. The 6 of us headed up the trail. We circled the lake at Furman and ride on up the trail to Travelers Rest. At the TreeHouse I had an apple-cinnamon muffin and a fruit cup. I bought a couple of chocolate chip cookies to bring home for Cissi. Bo met us at the TreeHouse. He is fresh back from his 6 week cycling trip in France. After we left the TreeHouse I forgot to resume Strava, so I lost the rest of the ride on it. On the way back Mark dropped off at Furman where he was parked, Don and Lynda dropped off at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe where they were parked. I lost the group in Falls Park as I had several walkers cut me off. I rode back to the tennis courts and I was done.
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