Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 2.66 miles Time: 00:10:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 15.96 mph Temp: Avg: 31
Category: general: testing - solo
Route: (ATB) Std Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike:  Juiced Rip Current S Electric Club: team bikejournal
Weather Conditions: cold and breezy

Distance: 10.00 miles Time: 00:41:05 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 14.60 mph Category: training: general - solo Route: none
Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 69 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: In: Stat
Bike: Schwinn 213 recumbent Stat Club: Cycle Time Century
Weather Conditions:
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<< Prev Ride  Wednesday, December 21, 2022  Next Ride >>
 Assembly and First ride on RCS,
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First test ride on new my new bike
the Rip Current S(port?)

Plus another 10 mile effort on the stationary -putting me over the top for reaching my "1000 mile" goal for 2022.

Today, I went up and down the street with the Rip Current S. The bike performed perfectly! Photo is the bike without the Battery.

Perhaps the most challenging part of unboxing a fat tire ebike is dealing with overall weight (total shipping weight was 103#).
Then, there is the weight of the individual components. I first installed the handle bars, and on test rides I will dial in the position of the bars grips and brake levers. Then came the front wheel, headlight, and front fender had to be installed on the front fork. The rear rack and rear fender were partially attached to the bike frame and finishing their attachment was a bit of an alignment struggle. I took a couple of hours to carefully assemble the components. Perhaps mounting the front wheel along with plugging in the headlight were the most delicate parts of the assembly. Also, inflating the 4" tires with a hand pump was a decent work-out.

Overall, the assembled weight of the medium frame RCS was about 75 pounds. 11 pounds of that weight is in the battery component.

The Juiced Gen 2 Battery has some neat features not part of the battery on my 2018 CCX. The handle and the power gauge on the battery pack are useful! Perhaps the power button should be more easily accessible? I will have a better perspective on the power button going forward when the season becomes more conducive to regular bike use.

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