Ride Stats |
Time: 02:35:19
Old Buncombe & SRT
28.54 miles
Avg Speed:
11.03 mph
Max Speed:
32.90 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,062 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: -3.6%
Headwind: 52% @ 2.2-11.1mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 39m 33s
Air Speed: 32.2mph
Temp: 74.8-83.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr |
I rode the Surly from home and went out Old Buncombe Road. I rode to Travelers Rest and stopped at the TRee House. I had a long talk with Kristen today. I rode back down the trail, but picked up a wheel-sucker north of Furman. He stayed on me until we stopped at the light at Sulphur Springs Road. Then I saw that it was Cato. I asked him if he had heard what happened to Bill and he hadn't. We stopped at the pocket park an I passed on about Bill. I rode back down the trail and stopped at Golden Brown for lunch. I texted Erica and she came down to caht while I was eating.
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