Ride Stats |
Time: 02:32:37
Swamp Rabbit Trail
30.11 miles
Avg Speed:
11.84 mph
Max Speed:
27.40 mph
Altitude Gain:
992 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Clear skies with temps at 59 to 62 degrees, with humidity from 32 to 37%, and wind at 15 mph |
I rode the Trek from home and met the group for Ken’s Sunday Ride by the entrance to the zoo at Cleveland Park. Six of us left the park - Ken, Mark, Steve S, Bo, a fellow that I don’t know and me. The park and trail heading out were very crowded. Threading our way through that traffic was something else. We picked up Don Y and Lynda at Linky Stone Park. As we worked our way up the trailI noticed that the group was looking larger. They pulled into the pocket park at Sulphur Springs, but I got cut off by traffic, so i continued on ahead of the group. I soft pedaled for a while thing they would overtake me, but they never showed up in my mirror, so i went on. I stopped at the food court on the Furman campus to take off a t-shirt. It was about 60 degrees, but the wind was pretty tough. I needed my wind-breaker, but the extra t-shirt left me too warm. While changing shirts I saw a girl that works with iFace at the Agape Center named Kristy and called her attention. She didn't recognize me in a cycling kit. Today I had on a solid fluorescent yellow jersey with wild multi-colored tights. I saw parts of the group pass me while I was changing.Once I was riding I set my own pace and eventually I caught Mark, Steve, and Bo. I passed them going into TR. Once I arrived at the TReeHouse Don and Lynda were there. I got a cup of decaf, a glass of water, and a fruit cup for me and a brownie to take home to Cissi. I talked to Kristen (the owner) for a bit. I found that her name is Kristen and told her that I wore my wild pants because she made such a ruckus about them the last time I had them on. There were 12 of us once we reached the TReeHouse. There were 3 guys and one gal that I didn’t know and Sarah had showed up as well. I’m not sure when the last four joined in with us. In a crowd like that I can’t understand much of what is being said, so after a while I left. I rode back alone and had a nice little ride.
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