Ride Stats |
Time: 01:22:02
Swamp Rabbit Trail
13.44 miles
Avg Speed:
9.83 mph
Max Speed:
34.70 mph
Altitude Gain:
636 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Weather Impact: -3.4%
Headwind: 48% @ 1.2-8.5mph
Longest Headwind: 32m 4s
Air Speed: 9.7mph
Temp: 79.2-82.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr |
I rode the Surly for the first time in ages. It has been in the shop with a bad brake and a wonky shifter. It took Jonathan quite a while to figure out what was up with shifting onto the big ring and then it had to wait for parts. I rode to Cleveland Park, but the trail now has some detours. I rode through the newly opened section of Unity Park, out to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe where I bought Cissi a peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie and a bottle of Cane Cola. I also bought a new Swamp Rabbit Cafe cycling jersey for me. I rode back by way of Hampton Station and the Hampton Avenue Bridge, but I went back to the trail at Willard Street and rode the Commons side of the trail. There was also a detour in Falls Park. I have lost my legs to a level worse than when I started 13 years ago. We'll see if I can regain what I've lost.
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