Ride Stats |
Time: 02:33:23
OBR, Watson, SRT
29.43 miles
Avg Speed:
11.51 mph
Max Speed:
30.80 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,188 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report --
Weather Impact: -3%
Headwind: 48% @ 5.3-9.7mph
Longest Headwind: 25m 28s
Air Speed: 11.4mph
Temp: 76.4-81.7°F
Precip: 10% @ 0.07 Inch/hr |
I rode the Surly from home to the park then across town to the Orange Line, but it was closed due to a train derailment. I took a detour to Old Buncombe and got on the trail at Lakeview. I took Watson around Travelers Rest and stopped at the TRee House for brunch. I talked to Ragan, then Gene arrived while I was outside eating, and Kristen came out with a little girl that had just finished art class. She told me that she painted a sea dragon. I rode back down the trail, but it was closed at Westfield Street through an apartment complex to Broad Street. I went through Falls Park, but Furman Way is still closed with a miserable detour. The detour around the McDaniel Street Bridge is closed with a detour through the construction equipment to Woodland Way. I got back to the park then road up Hillside to get home.
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