Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 29.74 miles Time: 02:15:54 Max Speed: 28.00 mph
Avg Speed: 12.68 mph Category: general: leisure - group Route: ABC:Churchville-Bergen-Adams Basin
Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 781 ft Avg Power: 169 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike:  Juiced CCX Road Club: The "Corps of Codgers"
Weather Conditions: Sunny breezy and cool
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, September 15, 2022  Next Blog >>
 Daikon Radishes, Driveway sealing and Another Strava screw up
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Another Corp of Codger Ride with Bob H. and Bob D. -and an adventure on the road! https://www.strava.com/activities/7812869864

Starting from my house seems to be the preferred spot for a ride meet-up. My home is situated in a secure spot with a large driveway that is great for comfortably staging a ride safely! And too, any ride starting from home is my preference for sure!

Starting down the road, about a mile-in I stopped to ascertain the possibility of having my driveway sealed by an entrepreneur who was finishing-up a driveway on Washington Street. On the spot -I was able negotiate with the 21 year old contractor to have my driveway sealed next morning. Earlier this season I sought out quotes and found the prices asked for driveway sealing have become astronomical. This young operators quote ($400 cash) was about half of what previous quotes were for getting the job done this year. To be clear, most of the prep work of edging and crack filling is done, and the job is merely a matter of blowing clean the driveway and brushing (or squeegeeing) on sealer -maybe two hours work to do the the 4500 square foot area.

Continuing on, our ride headed out Colby Street. At the intersection of Colby and Sweden Road (See aerial photo) the Dolomite Group has recently acquired the Brockport Quarry. On Wednesday, several people in the Spencerport region heard/felt tremors and a suggestion that the quarry may have been blasting seemed reasonable. There was no blasting when we went by there on our ride.
Next we stopped at RG Brewery Five Sons Winery around 10:30 am -they are closed until 4pm on Thursdays.

Then we traveled out to North Bergen and and made a stop at Borland's house -no one answered my knock at this door so we headed back east. While traversing along Reed Road we noticed acres of lush farm foliage with some exposed white-ish roots -acres of Daikon growing! I pulled a couple of the huge radish roots growing near the roadside and sampled them when we got back. Daikon root is superb! Who knew so much of it was being grown in Monroe County?!

Back on Washington Street, we were passed closely by a brigade of 3 Brockport School Buses headed to the BOCES School on Big Ridge Road. Finishing the ride, we sampled Daikon with snacks and beers at my house.

Another Strava screw up, where the ride was recorded by both Bob and me but only Bob's map and stats were attributed!


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