2024 Journal - bikerjohn
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Ride Date Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route
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Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
14.85 01:04:31 32.00 13.81 Sunny and clear Min: 71
Max: 72
training: general - solo on the Canal 234 346 0 325 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
24.01 01:22:05 32.60 17.55 sunny breezy and warming Min: 85
Max: 88
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 234 579 125 410 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: fast and steady!
15.57 00:58:35 0.00 15.95 partly cloudy and warm Min: 77
Max: 80
training: general - solo on the Canal 233 415 125 300 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: A Saturday solo tour.

23.64 01:30:31 33.30 15.67 sunny and warm Min: 80
Max: 82
training: general - solo (ATB):Churchville and Back 232 809 110 450 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
15.18 00:49:26 32.50 18.42 Sunny and warming with a westerly breeze Min: 81
Max: 85
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 231 356 134 259 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: It is a nice feeling this summer, riding strong, being active, and seeing my weight dropping below the mid-230s for the first time in almost 20 years!
6.05 00:19:55 26.90 18.23 overcast w/light rain Avg: 68
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 233 221 0 100 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/11862782879
26.16 01:49:39 24.60 14.31 partly cloudy and warming Avg: 82
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 235 501 110 507 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
15.24 01:00:41 24.90 15.07 mostly sunny and warming Min: 79
Max: 83
training: general - solo on the Canal 235 372 126 300 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
11.64 00:52:19 32.10 13.35 partly cloudy and humid Min: 75
Max: 78
training: general - solo on the Canal 235 192 0 465 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/11894149461

14.49 00:54:56 28.00 15.83 overcast Min: 72
Max: 77
training: general - solo untitled 233 433 128 275 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
26.30 01:56:50 31.60 13.51 overcast and damp 0 training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 233 570 114 855 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced Rip Current S
The "Corps of Codgers"

Along the towpath were some fallen trees due to recent storm activity. The return ride was fast via rte 31.
17.74 01:08:30 27.40 15.54 sunny and warming Min: 77
Max: 82
training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 234 375 0 605 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association

The rear tire was soft before starting the ride, so I applied some slime tire sealant that seems to have done the trick!
15.55 01:03:17 30.90 14.74 partly cloudy and warming Min: 76
Max: 80
training: general - solo on the Canal 234 474 125 362 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/11960591397
20.43 01:10:41 33.60 17.34 sunny warm and breezy Min: 87
Max: 89
training: general - solo Twenty around the block 233 485 125 408 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: In and Around Parma Center and Hilton
Along the way, I stopped to chat with Todd who was walking a very affectionate light brown and white Pit Bull, the dog's head was massive!
13.45 00:48:02 24.40 16.80 sunny Min: 70
Max: 72
training: general - solo on the Canal 233 296 113 250 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced CCX
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
11.72 00:43:32 26.10 16.15 mild 0 training: general - solo untitled 233 201 110 275 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/11995115224
21.65 01:23:51 29.10 15.49 sunny and warming Min: 71
Max: 76
training: general - solo Commuting to and from Hilton 232 478 103 490 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: Visited some parks along the Greece, Gates, and Spencerport areas along the Erie Canal, including Greece Canal Park, Greece Dry Dock, a section of the old Erie Canal, Greece Junction Lock, Henpeck Park, Heritage Park and trail, The Spencerport Depot and Canal Museum, and the Adams Basin Lift Bridge. I have not checked out Rose Turner Park which runs from Big Ridge Road to the Canal Towpath trail.

At Henpeck Park there is a DIY bicycle repair station which looked very useful. Many people were out cycling, running, and fishing along the canal
12.40 00:48:21 31.10 15.39 sunny and warm Min: 79
Max: 82
training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 232 356 145 315 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: After my last towpath ride, I noticed on Google Maps a path connecting the towpath to Big Ridge Road via Rose Turner Park. Today I checked out the winding, muddy, swampy, buggy, rutted path through Rose Turner Park.
7.20 00:30:00 0.00 14.40 indoor Avg: 78
training: general - solo none 233 0 67 100 98 In: Stat Schwinn 213 recumbent
The "Corps of Codgers"
Comments: Made my July goal sweatin' to the evening news. This ride surpasses the yearly totals for each of the past 4 years.
July Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
19 313.27 20:15:42 33.60 15.59 n/a Min: 70
Avg: 76
Max: 89
n/a n/a 233 7,459 117 7,051 98 n/a n/a n/a
20.96 01:09:15 29.10 18.16 sunny and warm Avg: 87
training: general - solo Twenty around the block 232 529 75 400 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced CCX
The "Corps of Codgers"
Comments: Saw Jim Grego, a former work associate while biking by his house on Burritt Road. Stopping to say hi, we chatted about the latest doings at the bus garage.
18.36 01:06:07 28.70 16.66 partly cloudy and warming Min: 76
Max: 79
training: general - solo untitled 233 569 66 350 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
I made a point of taking different roads on my workout and noticed some interesting places along the way. It was a good workout on roads west this morning.

When traversing through Brockport, I did have one surprise crossing the canal. From the north end of the Smith Street bridge, both east and west sidewalks have a bike-friendly ramp. However, reaching the south end, I was rudely surprised to discover a steep stairway on the west sidewalk which was impossible to carry down a heavy ebike. The east side of the Smith Street bridge had a friendlier sidewalk with ramps on both the north and south ends of the bridge. On this ride my secondary goal was to find the location of the newest restaurant in the Brockport area. I will be taking Ginny there to celebrate our Anniversary.

Some drivers need to be more attentive while they operate their motor vehicles. A disturbing discovery was realizing some wildlife met an early demise traversing the roads around the area. There were overwhelming foul smells of rotting flesh at Redman Road and Rte 31 intersection, and also at a point along East Canal Road just east of Mt. Olivet Cemetary
26.67 01:29:52 32.90 17.81 Sunny warm and breezy Min: 75
Max: 82
training: general - solo Twenty around the block 233 702 70 540 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: Biking Through and Around Spencerport, Churchville, and Brockport Fast and smooth except for the path through the Northampton Park dirt road
15.29 00:56:59 29.00 16.10 warm and humid 0 training: general - solo (ATB) Std 232 425 60 285 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
34.35 02:27:57 28.90 13.93 ENE winds Min: 73
Max: 77
training: general - group ABC:Churchville-Bergen-Adams Basin 231 1,118 90 1000 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
The "Corps of Codgers"
17.28 01:03:22 28.10 16.36 partly cloudy Min: 66
Max: 72
training: general - solo untitled 231 430 65 425 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
19.71 01:10:10 35.60 16.85 sunny, warm, and breezy Avg: 77
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 232 471 62 420 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/12137775491
The town park no longer has a through road from Parma Ctr Rd to Union St.
16.28 01:05:42 27.80 14.87 sunny and cool 0 training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 232 388 51 396 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
17.42 00:56:17 33.40 18.57 sunny, warm, and breezy Min: 76
Max: 80
training: general - solo ATB : West and North 233 465 80 462 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/12163148038
One idiot in a white Corvette nearly clipped me making a right turn at Ridge Road and Walker Lake Ontario Road intersection.
13.95 00:47:54 27.90 17.47 overcast Min: 73
Max: 75
training: general - solo untitled 233 354 0 342 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/12179692789
12.17 00:47:43 0.00 15.30 overcast and cool Avg: 57
training: general - solo east to Spencerport 233 318 0 360 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/6202487890/
26.13 01:23:18 0.00 18.82 sunny, cool, and breezy Min: 64
Max: 67
training: general - solo ATB : West and North 233 398 0 720 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
Comments: I have been interested in gathering walnuts that drop from trees this time of the year. But Black walnuts are too much work to get them to an edible condition (too tough to shell them). Anyhow, black walnuts abound -still hoping someday to gather English Walnuts. I have an English Walnut tree growing in my yard and need another mature specimen nearby for proper pollination. I think there are a couple of seedlings coming along in my side yard.
13.72 00:52:00 0.00 15.83 sunny and breezy warm Avg: 87
training: general - solo Hilton/Parma Tour 236 92 0 336 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
Comments: https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/6209841517/
12.02 00:44:16 27.70 16.29 warm and sunny Min: 83
Max: 84
training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 235 296 137 282 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
Comments: On the towpath from Sweden Walker Road to Spencerport.
36.15 02:40:28 27.60 13.52 mostly cloudy but clearer by the lake Min: 68
Max: 72
general: touring - group Hamlin loop 233 684 94 1170 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
The "Corps of Codgers"
Comments: Perfect ride conditions for Bob H., Kim W., Bob D., and me, for a bike ride to the Hamlin Beach State Park, visiting the CCC-POW site.
August Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
15 300.46 18:41:20 35.60 16.27 n/a Min: 64
Avg: 77
Max: 84
n/a n/a 233 7,239 77 7,488 0 n/a n/a n/a
12.85 00:50:46 31.00 15.19 cool and clear Min: 68
Max: 71
training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 234 334 53 342 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
14.69 00:54:20 26.10 16.22 breezy(westerly) and cool Avg: 66
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 232 334 62 372 0 Road: Rolling  Juiced CCX
team bikejournal
8.62 00:28:01 29.30 18.46 Windy and cool Avg: 67
training: general - solo Commuting to and from Hilton 232 292 80 160 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/12361156948
22.30 01:17:00 0.00 0.00   0 training: general - solo Commuting to and from Hilton 234 541 70 516 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
September Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
4 58.46 03:30:07 31.00 16.39 n/a Min: 68
Avg: 66
Max: 71
n/a n/a 233 1,501 66 1,390 0 n/a n/a n/a
YTD Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
111 1,529.74 103:20:09 35.60 15.02 n/a Min: 43
Avg: 65
Max: 89
n/a n/a 236 26,986 79 35,945 100 n/a n/a n/a
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