Ride Stats |
Time: 01:51:03
Base of Paris Mountain
18.74 miles
Avg Speed:
10.13 mph
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Steep
Bike: Gary Fisher Rail Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: |
I left the house intending to cimb Paris Mountain each way, but things just wouldn't go right. I left and realized that my waterbottle was loose and rattling around. I returned home to fix that and left again. I was about a mile from hme when I realized that I had not worn my gloves and my hands were slipping on the handlebars. Also the wind was blowing like everything and just riding was taking the starch out of me. On Piney Knoll I got caught by a long train. While sitting at the stop a van pulled up behind me, then it pulled up even with me and it was MaryBeth McW. She had a friend with her and we chatted while waiting for the train to clear. I rode on up Beverly, but the wind was kiling me on those climbs. I started up the mountain, but the wind and sweat was really doing me in. I rode to the wall but stopped to clean my eyes and rode back down. I turned down State Park Road and took my Paris Mountain Bypass. That route has a lot of stout climbing and the wind was really working me over. I took a wrong turn down a very steep road, then discovered that I had to turn back and climb that road. I worked my way around and turned tooward Furman from Old Buncombe Road. I called Cis and had her drive out to Duke's Doggs and bring my gloves with her. I rode on to Duke's and put in our order. Kristy knows Cis's order and I trhy to vary my order. Cis got there just as our food came out, but she forgot my gloves. We ate our dogs then I had Cis drive to Sundrift Outfitters just up the road while I rode over there. We stopped in there to check out bike carriers for the GMC. We bought a Yakima Two Timer and put it on the car. I mounted my bike on it and we drove home. That was an unexpected end to the ride, but the wind had done a job on me and I really needed to get some yard work done.
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