Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:52:14 Route: North of Travelers Rest Distance: 30.67 miles
Avg Speed: 10.68 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Terrain: Road: Steep Bike: Gary Fisher Rail Road Club: Clydesdales
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, April 16, 2016  Next Blog >>
 What a Ride
I drove to TR this morning to meet the TR Low Key riders at Sunrift Outfitters. Adam, Becky, and I left Sunrift Outfitters and headed into North Greenville County for some fun riding and hard climbing. These rides into the hills are a lot of fun. We see the backroads that nobody sees. There are all kinds of homes tuck away in these hills - shacks and shanties, trailors and built up boxes, nice home, mansions, and a little of everything else. It is a lot of fun finding all these places that are hidden away in the hills. There are also some serious hills to climb back there. There was one that I was in my granny gear (32/34) and had to stand to climb the hill. Adam came away saying that his knee gave him an error message while climbing that hill. We made it back to Sunrift and I rode down to Duke's Doggs for a hotdog and fires. On the way down I ran into the Swamp ROMP and stopped to chat with them. I called Cis from there and asked her to bring my clothes to Furman. I finished my dog and rode back to the truck then drove to Furman. I met Cis and she and I cicled the lake at Furman a couple of times. While riding the lake I saw a toddlers shoe on the trail. About a half mile later we passed a pair of young mothers with their broods of little ones and asked if they were missing a shoe. They were but didn't want to walk that far for it, so I rode back and picked it up. Cis and I rode back to the Furman baseball stadium where I change into my fan clothes and we went to teh baseball game. The game turned into a 4 hour marathon and made a very long day of it.

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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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