Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 16.89 miles Time: 00:54:06 Max Speed: 27.15 mph
Avg Speed: 18.73 mph Temp: Avg: 81
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: (WORK) E-Commute Weight: 242 Altitude Gain: 518 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: sunny with a Southerly wind.
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, June 12, 2018  Next Blog >>
 Maintenance on the E Bike
30th 2018 work commute;
After dinner, I removed the crank on the EG Zurich and installed a different bottom bracket, -one that was once on the Bianchi Castro Valley. The alignment of the spindle, left to right, was short on the crank side of the drive. With the spindle positioning short on the crank side, an interference condition existed between the crank and the cadence sensor. There looked to be a press fit stop on the Bianchi bottom bracket spindle. Considering it was getting late, and I wanted to put the bike back into working order, I decided not to screw around attempting to re-position the stop on the spindle. Re-positioning the BB shaft R-L looks feasible but I had zero desire to attempt doing it right then. So, I reinstalled the original bottom bracket -all cleaned and retightened, and it seems to work more smoothly.

The Nexus hub sounds like there are some loose pieces within. Tried to lube the hub but it seems the only way to do a proper job on the hub would be to disassemble the unit off the bike -more maintenance than I had time for today. And then anyway, the white lithium grease lubrication I sprayed onto the hub by the shaft seems to have made a beneficial impact.

A short test ride indicated all is slightly improved with the cadence sensor function, as well as the crank arms and bottom bracket spinning more smoothly.

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