Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 03:53:27 Route: Gower Estates and the SRT Distance: 36.21 miles
Avg Speed: 9.31 mph Max Speed: 34.00 mph Altitude Gain: 1,480 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Surly Straggler Touring Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: -- myWindsock Report -- Weather Impact: -7.4% Headwind: 39% @ 1.6-5.8mph Longest Headwind: 01h 27m 39s Air Speed: 9mph Temp: 75.7-92.1°F Precip: 2% @ 0.06 Inch/hr
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<< Prev Ride  Friday, July 30, 2021  Next Ride >>
 With Bill and Around
I rode the Surly from home to Cleveland Park and took the Laurens bypass to Gower Estates where I met Bill. It took us a little bit to get going and we rode fairly slow today. Then once we were home we got him situated then he had me uncrate a mini-fridge and set it up where it would be easy for him to use. By then it was noon and I still needed another 20 miles to get in my miles. I cut through his neighborhood where I pretty much got lost in Gower Estates, but I finally escaped! I crossed Pleasantburg at MacAlister Square and worked my way to Sliding Rock Creek Park and took the trail back to the Swamp Rabbit Trail. I took it to Cleveland Park and followed the trail to Furman. I stopped there and talked with officer Mike. I was feeling pretty whipped by then. I rode down the trail and got off after the Swamp Rabbit Cafe to ride to White Duck Taco. I had a fish taco and a crispy chicken BLT taco with tea and water. Then I rode home from there. I downed 7 24-ounce bottles water, tea, and my drink. Riding slow with Bill really wears me out, but we took a lot of time and I ended up riding with the big heat. But it was fine as th esun wasn't out.


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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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