Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:43:03 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 33.89 miles
Avg Speed: 12.47 mph Max Speed: 31.30 mph Altitude Gain: 1,018 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Broken clouds, 78°F, Feels like 79°F, Humidity 65%, Wind 7mph from N - by Klimat.app
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, July 2, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Ken and Steve Y
Today I rode the Trek to Cleveland Park to meet Ken and Steve Y. Steve has a new e-bike. We took off, looped the dog park, then started following what i know is Ken's route. They dropped me on the hill on Cleveland goin g to Camperdown. They ran the light (bikes can't trip the light), but when I got there Camperdown had a lot of cross traffic that I had to wait to clear before I could go. Then at the bottom of the hill a car pinned me to the curb when I wanted to make a left-hand turn. He got in my blind spot on my left and would not get out of it. When I finally made my turn, I turned into the wrong driveway. I ended up by the second bridge, so I looped back to take Liberty Bridge. But I couldn't see Ken or Steve anywhere. I rode on to Hudson Street where I knew Ken would turn right, but I went left as it's a little shorter. I rode on and after I crossed Blue Ridge I could see Steve coming up in my mirror. He caught me but he didn't know where Ken was. We rode on and when we were coming into TR Ken texted that he was at Furman. I texted back that we were in TR and headed to the north end, but we stopped at the TRee House. We rode to the north end then we ran into Ken a little north of TR. We rode together back to TR and Stopped at the TRee House. I had a decaf au lait and we talked for a good bit. I also had them refill one of my bottles with ice water. We rode back down the trail, then Ken split off to do the Hincapie path. Steve and I headed to Hillside and we both climbed the hill. He did it much quicker than me.


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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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