Ride Stats |
Time: 02:27:13
SRT & Other
26.38 miles
Avg Speed:
10.75 mph
Max Speed:
31.80 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,058 ft
Blood Sugar: 0 mg/l
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Overcast to drizzle with temps from 62 to 61 degrees, humidity from 69 to 82%, and wind from 4 to 6 mph |
Today I took the Trek out for a spin. I didn’t know if I had a quarter in me, so I was going to be satisfied with a bit. I rode from home through the parks and headed by the Swamp Rabbit Cafe. I stayed on the trail heading north but had a girl fly past me sitting upright on a cruiser. I was riding about 15 mph and was laboring a little. It looked like the front tube was wide, so it may have been an electric bike. But it sure surprised me when she passed me like that. I was about 1/2 mile south of Furman and came to a trail closing. I don’t know the side streets there, so I took a guess at how to get around it. I thought it would be about a mile detour, but it was a little over a mile and a half. Once back on the trail I turned onto the Furman campus and did the Loop de Loop and exited on the north entrance. From there I cut over to Roe Ford Road and crossed US 276 to bring Old Buncombe Road back into town. I followed it then took a shortcut through the Sans Souci neighborhood to get back to the Cafe, but I took an extra turn and came out on Blue Ridge Drive about a quarter mile from the trail and a mile above the Cafe. On Old Buncombe I ran into a drizzle for about 3 miles and had an old codger turn across the road and cut me off. I also got crowded in the Old Buncombe and Sulphur Springs intersection by a young girl. I have ridden Old Buncombe many times and never had any issues until today. Once back on the trailI took my normal route home, although I had to get off and carry my bike on Furman Way because a cement truck took up the entire road.
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