Observation and Perspective
Ride Stats |
0.00 miles
Time: 00:30:00
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Avg Speed:
15.20 mph
Category: training: general -
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Avg Power: 76 W
Calories Burned: 0
Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: In: Stat
Bike: Schwinn 213 recumbent Stat
Club: Cycle Time Century |
Weather Conditions: indoor |
I'm more fussy about weather conditions on a bike commute now that I've become older. Mostly, it's about the temperature. In the olden days I would commute by bike in temperatures as low as 15°F. No more -too cold! Forty degrees is a bit iffy for me now.
Another weather aspect for deciding to ride has always been wind, mostly headwind or windchill on cold temperature days. Now days I force myself to tolerate strong headwinds better -mostly because my commutes are on the Juiced CCX. An ebike forces an encounter with greater headwind and windchill, -while expending less effort. My solution is to rely less on assistance on the flats and to mainly use the e-power on the rises. On the few rides made on non-ebikes this year headwinds have a been a significant factor on joy perception.
Precipitation factors remain a decider on whether or not I ride. And in fact, I have lost out on perfectly good commute opportunities because of my over-cautious attitude about precipitation. Getting caught in storms happened even with a fussier nature.
So, I have caught the bug and embraced headlong the new era of power assisted biking. The key to cycling joy for many would-be cyclists could be pedaling an ebike. An ebike should be a consideration for the older cyclist. More of my friends and family would enjoy biking today if they had an ebike. If you are getting older and those same old hills seem to be getting steeper and you are getting fussier about biking -Try out one of the ebikes out there. Today, every major bike manufacturer has ebike models for sale.
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