Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:23:23 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 28.64 miles
Avg Speed: 11.98 mph Max Speed: 32.40 mph Altitude Gain: 954 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Clear skies to partly cloudy with a temp of 88 degrees, with humidity from 55 to 50%, and wind from 8 to 9 mph
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<< Prev Ride  Sunday, June 16, 2019  Next Ride >>
 Ken’s Sunday Ride
I rode the Trek from the house to Cleveland Park for Ken’s Sunday Ride. Ken was about to leave when I pulled into the zoo and said that nobody was coming. I asked him about the guy behind him. We had a new rider named Bo riding a fatty. Once we signed the liability sheet Cato pulled up to ride. So the four of us took off going up the trail. As we were leaving Steve S was tooting his horn at us. He wasn’t riding but was just driving by. When we got to Linky Stone Park Don Y and Lynda and Steve Y were waiting to ride. The seven of us went on up the trail but Cato cut out at the Pocket Park. The rest of us worked our way to Travelers Rest and the Treehouse. I downed a couple of water bottles, and had a Pineapple Express Smoothie. On the trip back down the trail I rode with Bo a lot of the way. It was a pretty good ride.

I didn’t restart Strava when I left the Treehouse, so it only got the first half of the ride.


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  Hawkeye761 click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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