Ride Stats |
Time: 01:08:10
Swamp Rabbit Trail
13.34 miles
Avg Speed:
11.74 mph
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Rolling
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: |
I missed work for a doctor’s appoimtment so I took an afternoon ride. I rode the Trek from the house down East North into the park and onto the trail. I went through the Cancer Survivor’s section as it is now open and the miserable jags in the trail have been replaced. From there I passed the falls and rode up the trail past the cafe then turned around at Blue RIdge Drive. On the jut underneath Cedar Lane Road I met a pair of handcyclists and one was in my lane. We were very close to having a head-on collision. I would hate to hit a paralyzed cyclist (even though he was in the wrong) as I would have gone over the top of him and landed on him. It would have been ugly for both of us. On the way back there was a raggedy-looking couple stopped on the side of the trail just north of Cedar Lane. I stopped and asked if they were okay and they were walking home fro a job and she had no socks and her boots were tearing up her feet. I keep a piece of micro-fiber cloth to clean my glasses, so I gave it to her to help with her blisters. They were in a bad way and living in a tent somewhere. We talked for a bit and I sent them on their way. From there I rode south to Hudson Road and turned off to climb the big hill. I stopped at TTR to see how the clearance sale was going and how Nathaniel is doing. I left there and cut across town to East North and climbed that big hill home.
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