Ride Stats |
Time: 01:22:42
Swamp Rabbit Trail
14.98 miles
Avg Speed:
10.87 mph
Max Speed:
0.00 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: |
Today I drove to the Cafe to ride with the Swamp ROMP. Six of us left the cafe - Joe, Brad and Kitty, Seneca, Ron, and me. Art was there as well to see us off. We rode up the trail setting an incredibly slow pace. It was good to talk with Seneca on teh ride north. Brad and Kitty cut off to have lunch with Kitty’s daughter and I took off to get home early. I set a pretty good pace down the trail.
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