Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 12.20 miles Time: 01:09:51 Max Speed: 22.60 mph
Avg Speed: 10.48 mph Category: general: leisure - group Route: untitled
Weight: 229 Altitude Gain: 269 ft Avg Power: 131 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: The "Corps of Codgers"
Weather Conditions: Breezy w/intermittent light rain.
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, October 9, 2021  Next Blog >>
 A Saturday ride with Tom
Tom stopped by, and we decided to ride non-e-bikes. It was my first bike ride this month. The weather was cool breezy, with a spritz of intermittent rain. Upon arriving in Brockport, the rain increased to steady for a short time then stopped.

While waiting out the rain standing by Jimmy Z's (takeout only), a woman recognized my voice as I was explaining that "Z's was only "take-out". I remembered her face and enthusiastic smile from the past, but have forgotten her name! She was on a walk with her Son -a high school senior. She turned around and we chatted a bit. She mentioned to her son that I was his kindergarten school bus driver. It was an honor being remembered like that.

I feel stupid not being able to remember her name -just her face and enthusiastic smile -but I've forgotten her name! Years ago we first interacted at Pettinari's Deli. I was a snack food salesman back then. She reminded me about that time she walked her son to the school bus for his first ride to kindergarten (way back in 2009?). It was a great memory for me!

The ride back home was on the roadway to avoid towpath puddles.

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