Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 0.00 miles Time: 00:40:00 Max Speed: 0.00 mph
Avg Speed: 14.00 mph Category: training: general - solo Route: none
Weight: 242 Altitude Gain: 0 ft Avg Power: 62 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: In: Stat
Bike: Schwinn 213 recumbent Stat Club: Cycle Time Century
Weather Conditions: indoor
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<< Prev Blog  Sunday, November 4, 2018  Next Blog >>
 Cycling into November
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October this year was the best October for work commutes and total miles for an October since 2014.
However, November is starting out with some consternation.! The goal remains to achieve 100 work commutes this year, it was 2014 the last year I reached that milestone. I have been researching upgrades of my ebike. The rear internal hub gearing was getting noisey with grinding metal sounds. I decided to upgrade the rear wheel to the 8 speed Nexus hub and ordered the associated components. This week while preparing for the delivery of said components , during the tear down of the Zurich, I discovered cracks in the bike’s frame. Specifically, near the welds where the downtube joins the bottom bracket and seat tube were several cracks.

The nexus wheel arrived after the discovery. I’ve decided not to ship the wheel back and thus avoid incurring a 30 dollar reshipping cost and a 25 dollar restocking fee. The thought is to use the Nexus rear wheel on the Globe.

Tearing down the Zurich leaves me with significant waste to recycle. While I could reuse all the components, but then again considering the 36 volt 12 Ah battery has gone through about 190 recharge, the 350 watt motor hub has 8400 miles in 488 hours of use over the past 4 years and 8 months, it’s time to replace those components. After due consideration it is clear in my mind the time is now for new bike.

Changing the drive on the Globe hybrid to this new Nexus drive is a doable project, the Globe is overdue for an overhaul. The frame appears to be in good shape so updating it makes complete sense. In the past I have attempted to give-away the bike, only to have it returned months later. It is an ideal Winter/foul weather commuter. Now, with the acquisition of the Nexus 8 drive it could continue as my go-to alternative commuter bike. For more comfort on a commute, I will consider adding back a suspension fork, at some point in the future.

So here on a crossroad I stand with a broken frame, no ebike, boxes of ebike components including a hub motor and a 36 volt battery and management system, along with other bike components. And a brand new Nexus 8 speed wheel.

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