Ride Stats |
Time: 02:26:02
Old Buncombe & SRT
30.58 miles
Avg Speed:
12.56 mph
Max Speed:
28.70 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,288 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Clear, 83°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 62%, Wind 2mph from NE - by Klimat.app |
I left home on the Trek late this morning and headed out East North Street. I rode to Butler and turned on Hampton Street. I took it to the end and cross the new walk bridge then took the trail extension to Old Buncombe Road. I followed it to the trail at the gazebo in TR, then followed the trail to the north end. I stopped for a drink and headed down the trail. I stopped at the TReehouse and had a cup of decaf and a fruit cup I also bought a brownie for Cissi.
The trail was very crowded from TR to Furman, but things settled down after that. Some guy wearing an orange "Old Fat" jersey leapfrogged me several times. I also passed a couple in matching Village Wrench kits. Once I got to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe the Trail was getting crowded again. I got off and took the extension past Birds Fly South And crossed the walk bridge. When I got off the extension I met the couple in the Village Wrench kits again. I rode with them across the walk bridge and for a couple of blocks. I cut through downtown by the Peace Center and into Cleveland Park. Then I climbed the big hill on Hillside drive and went home.
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