Ride Stats |
Time: 02:24:32
Swamp Rabbit Trail
28.71 miles
Avg Speed:
11.92 mph
Max Speed:
34.10 mph
Altitude Gain:
0 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Surly Straggler Touring
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Overcast skies with temps from 59 to 61 degrees and winds from 5 to 12 mph |
I rode from the house today, but my neighbor Dorothy met me at the top of the driveway while pushing a stroller down the street and we talked for a bit. I have always thought a lot of Jeff and Dorothy and was glad to see her out and about. I didn’t ask who the baby was, but I’m sure that it was one of her grandkids. I rode from home to Cleveland Park and got on the trail there. I was just short of the Pocket Park at Sulphur Springs when I passed a white-headed couple and it was Jeff and Debbie from the USPS. Debbie worked in maintenance as a support clerk and her husband Jeff worked in vehicle maintenance. I have seen them on the trail a few times, but they live out toward Pickens so they get on at the north end to ride. Jeff used to ride to work from there when he was getting ready to ride the "Ride to Remember" (a charity ride for Alzheimer’s) that goes from Greenville to Charleston. I thought they were with me when I crossed Sulphur Springs, but they must have stopped at the Pocket Park. At Furman I turned off and looped the lake. Once I was back on the trail I caught Jeff and Debbie again and rode with them to the north end of the trail. First I chatted with Debbie and then with Jeff. We ran into Kimberly just short of US 25. Kimberly was a friend with a fellow that worked with Jeff at vehicle maintenance, but she was Andre back then. I have only known her as Kimberly. Across from Sunrift Outfitters, Debbie and Jeff continiued north while I turned back down the trail. I rode on to the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and bought some groceries and a bottle of Virgil’s Root Beer. I bought a couple of pounds of ground beef, a couple of Denver steaks, a quart of strawberries, a bunch of asparagus, and a couple of hands full of brussel sprouts. I put them in my pannier and headed home. I made a variation of my normal route home by turning onto Balsam from Overbrook. It’s just a little farther, but it gets me around the 5-point light at Overbrook, Briarcliff, Prescott, and East North Street. I can’t trip the light and it has a No Turn on Red sign. Balsam also goes by Chris and Becky’s home - friends of mine from church.
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