Ride Stats |
Time: 02:54:57
Old Buncombe & SRT
33.53 miles
Avg Speed:
11.50 mph
Max Speed:
29.70 mph
Altitude Gain:
1,111 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road
Club: Clydesdales |
Weather Conditions: Sunny, 57°F, Feels like 57°F, Humidity 57%, Wind 9mph from SW - by Klimat.app |
I rode the Trek from home today to Cleveland Park where I met a group for Ken’s Sunday ride. We started with Ken, Mark, Keith, John, Don Y and Lynda, and me. We took a roundabout route getting across town then headed up the trail. Keith turned back somewhere around Furman. I thought that I saw Rob F going into TR. John turned back in TR while Don and Lynda went to the TReehouse. Mark, Ken, and I rode on to the north end of the trail then back to the TReehouse. Once there Mark and Ken decided to head back while I went in and had a fruit cup and a cafe au lait. I also got a triple chocolate muffin for Cissi. I headed back down the trail and I caught Mark and Ken south of Furman. They had seen Sarah and stopped to talk. I rode with them to the Lakeview spur where I turned off and took Old Buncombe Road back to town. I caught the Orange Line then crossed the Hampton Avenue walk bridge and rode back to Cleveland Park. I took Washington to Laurens Road and caught Hillside to climb the big hill. On Fisher I stopped to talk to Mr. Fisher then introduced myself to my new neighbors Bobby and Clairen and their baby Ross.
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