Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 03:31:32 Route: Beverly, Dreamland, Warson, & SRT Distance: 39.45 miles
Avg Speed: 11.19 mph Max Speed: 34.00 mph Altitude Gain: 2,356 ft
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Clear sky, 69°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 26%, Wind 6mph from ENE - by Klimat.app
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, February 25, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Beverly, Dreamland, Watson, and SRT
I rode the Trek from home up White Oak Drive and crossed Wade Hampton next to BJU. I cut through Holmes Park and worked my way across Pleasantburg Drive to take Galphin to Pine Knoll Drive. I used the light to cross Rutherford Road and worked my way to Beverly. I took it to State Park Road and took it to Timber Lane. I worked my way to Crestwood, then Dreamland and Jervey Road.. Then it was South Parker to North Parker and turned onto Old Parker. From there it was Patrol Club to the back side of Paris Mountain Country Club and Old Rockhouse Road for a killer climb. I followed Pilot Road back to Old Buncombe and took it to Watson. When I approached the trail on OBR I saw Ken cross with some others. I followed McElhaney back to TR and got on the trail and followed it to the north end. Out there was Ken, Mark, Ken’s friend Rick, Bo and his girlfriend. I rode back to TR and the TRee House with Mark, Ken, and Rick. I ordered a decaf au lait, and a peachy southern chicken sandwich with a fruit cup. I wrapped half of the sandwich for Cissi. When I went outside to eat Don and Lynda were there. So most of the gang was there! Ken, Mark, and Rick left. Then Don and Lynda left while I finished my food. Then I headed south down the trail. I followed the trail south to the pad where Alley Cats Waterin’ Hole used to be. Don and Lynda were there. I couldn’t get my left shoe to unclip from the pedal. I rode south to the Pocket Park and a screw had come out of the cleat in my shoe. I rode south to the Orange line and took it to Hampton Station and crossed the Hampton Avenue Bridge. I worked my way to Washington and took it to Hudson and back to the trail. I followed the trail south to the Hincapie Path and through 1st Baptist parking lot to Cleveland Street to Gardenview and back to Cleveland Park. I climbed the Fernwood climb, but couldn’t stand with my left shoe unclipped. I dropped back down to the park and the zoo parking lot. When I stopped there my left shoe clipped in, but then I knew that it was stuck in. I took Washington to Hillside and climbed Hillside, but I stopped to talk to Pat while climbing the hill. I stopped at the Gratton’s driveway for a drink, then took East North to my neighborhood and back home.


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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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