Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 50.00 miles Time: 03:30:00 Max Speed: 23.60 mph
Avg Speed: 14.29 mph Category: general: touring - solo Route: (ATB)Hill & Towpath
Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 530 ft Avg Power: 183 W
Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike:  Juiced CCX Road Club: The "Corps of Codgers"
Weather Conditions: sunny and warming w/light westerly breeze
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, April 12, 2022  Next Blog >>
 Strava stopped recording partway
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This 30-mile leg went out to a point a bit more than Halfway to Bob and Marci's house where I met Bob. Then we rode back to my house for a beer.

After enjoying a Dry-Hopped Cream Ale, I discovered that Strava shut down the ride data due to overheating of my smartphone (which I had left on the bike in a sunny spot)! I chilled down the phone and restarted Strava -or so I thought. The message from Strava was that it had recovered from the unexpected shutdown. But apparently, Strava didn't completely recover, because it didn't record the 20-mile afternoon leg. More curious was that the Strava App appeared to be tracking the journey in a normal manner.

So I lose average speed and elevation data due to Strava prematurely closing out the ride. Once Strava claimed the problem was resolved
I did not think I needed to close out the morning run and restart Strava for the afternoon aspect of the ride. There was no indication I needed to do anything other than resume the ride.

The continuing lesson here is "Don't trust Strava to properly tack a ride without closely monitoring!"

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