Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:28:26 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 29.04 miles
Avg Speed: 11.74 mph Max Speed: 0.00 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Trek Émonda ALR Road Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Overcast skies to mostly cloudy with temps from 43 to 47 degrees and winds from 3 to 6 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, January 15, 2019  Next Blog >>
 Here and There
Today I rode from the house intending to follow my old route to work and get in some hills out that way. After riding the first few hills I decided that it was time to head up the trail and cut out some of those hills! I turned around at Star Lanes and cut through Greenville Tech to get back to the trail. I cut a path through Cleveland Park then followed the trail through Falls Park and headed north. I stopped at the Cafe long enough to check who was texting me. Then I rode on up to Furman and went on campus to try to find the Agape Center where I plan to do some volunteer work. I hunted around for it, but didn’t find it. So I stopped at the campus Starbucks and had a snack of cashews and almonds in cacoa powder with a mandarin and a drink of water. I went back where I thought the Agape Center should be and asked a student. She didn’t know, but I told her that it was where the Paladin Police Office had been and she directed me straight to it. I went it just to see where it was. From there I rode to Timmons Arena to the box office to see about buying season tickets for baseball season. They aren’t for sale yet, but the season starts in a month. So she said to check back next week. I rode back down the trail and called Cis from Cleveland Park to see if she was at home. She wasn’t, so I climbed the big hill coming home.


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Lifetime: 41,804 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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